History of Sport Commando
Commando style in Iran has been recognized since 2005 by master Mehdi Gheshlaghi with the permission of the Asian Martial Arts Association. In 2016, this style was able to be nationally registered in the Ministry of Sports and Youth and the Federation of Martial Arts Associations after the legal process in the Martial Arts Federation as a commando system and later in 2009 as a sport commando group in the Ministry of Sports and Youth and the Federation of Martial Arts Associations.
The special practical techniques of this field have been learned by the founder of the style – Master Mehdi Gheshlaghi – from his professors during his years of activity in various martial arts, and from their combination with his own creativity and initiative, he has designed and presented practical techniques for the security of the people.
From the very beginning of its establishment and official approval, this style has tried to use the martial art of sport commando, according to its nature and necessity; It should be used professionally in state, military and government organs, and it should be spread among the people with general and practical movements and combat techniques.
In the Sport Commando style, it has always been tried to design training techniques and tools in such a way that all members of society in all walks of life can use it in addition to promoting their health, privacy, property, honor, homeland and … Protect.Now and with pride, not only the Sport Commando style is very popular in the country; It is also expanding in several other countries, and granting representation to other countries is in the process of planning and action.

master Mehdi Gheshlaghi Global founder and head of Commando sports style, managing director of Commando sports institute, officer university professor (personal defense instructor) and owner of Commando sports brand.
Special Commando Courses

Shark Diver
Fighting in the water, swimming and lifeguard courses, hiding, ambush and trapping in the water

Green leopard
Jungle combat, fighting in the forest, hiding, camouflage, ambush and trapping in the forest

Red Dragon
Creating fire in different conditions, identifying different types of explosives and fire extinguishing period

Golden Eagle
Basic commando techniques known as "ambush" and survival in difficult conditions

Black Ghost
Fight in the dark, use martial arts with your eyes closed and balance movements

Black Viper
Training in combat techniques and techniques in dealing with a foreign enemy in different situations

black Tiger
Recognize the types of traps, jumping from a moving car, bayonet warfare, night combat, throwing knives

Hunter Jackal
Mountain fighting, living in harsh mountain conditions, rock climbing, camouflage and hiding
Activities and trainings of commandos
Commando training is hard and energy-intensive training that requires a lot of effort and perseverance to learn. Perhaps the best interpretation of a commando is a very active person from the military community. Commando training is offered at both general and specialized levels:
General level of sport commando
These courses must be completed by all military personnel: Aquaculture courses, special operations, automatic parachuting and free fall, advanced solo combat and other general courses
Specialized level of sport commando
After completing his general training, the commando became active in one of the military disciplines and became an expert. Also at this level, the difference between a commando, a ranger, a cartographer, etc. is determined.
Among the specialized courses, we can mention the following: aquaculture course, specialized diving course, destruction course, diver navigation and ranger course, ambush and counter-ambush, marine destruction, mountain, forest, rapism, desert, sniper, hostage rescue, Psychological operations, modern warfare, telecommunications and electronic warfare, support, infiltration, purge and specialization of each of the weapons in the service unit.
You penetrate to the desired point on land by sea. Although there is a possibility of very intense conflict, but you have to learn how to fight in such areas
In an Air assault or Haliburn operation, you must learn how to use related equipment, how to pack it, as well as the difference between a regular parachute and an advanced automatic parachute.
All commando personnel must carefully learn to fall freely. The timing of the parachute jump depends on the individual; But in free fall, you should know how to calculate the air height and open the umbrella in time. Because if you do not open your umbrella at the same time as your peers, you will not land in the same place.
A 10-minute delay in opening the umbrella may cause you to land about a kilometer away from your friends, which is even more important in forested, desert, snowy, etc. areas.
Fighting the enemy is not just in open areas or forests. To penetrate the enemy land that has established its base along the river, you must use the help of diving.
When the enemy has fortifications or means to confront you, destruction is more important than defense or attack. The people who do the destruction work are called destroyers. Destroyer knows how to destroy all military equipment so that it can not be repaired
Commandos must be skilled in navigation. Suppose in a naval battle, even though the commandos have destroyed the enemy forces, the enemy auxiliary force is on its way and the naval officer is not with the commandos. In this situation, a person must take charge of navigation so that they do not witness the death of their group.
Ambush is one of the best ways to deal a hard blow to an enemy with minimal casualties. Anti-ambush is also a way to defend when the enemy is lying in wait.
In these courses you have to learn how to survive in the harsh conditions of desert, forest and mountain in all seasons. Your mission may take up to a week while you can not take much food with you. Also, in addition to food, you need to know how to use hiding, camouflage and cover-up tactics in these environments.
Rapelism is the ability to climb up and down a cliff, wall, or mountain with a rope.
You will learn shooting with a variety of weapons as well as sniper rifles.
You need to know how to use wireless backpacks and telecommunication towers to exchange messages.
Electronic warfare Electronic warfare is a war in which all the means of exposing the enemy; Whether tracker, camera, wireless and… disable. In addition to how to start this war, you must also learn how to deal with it
Sometimes your job is to support, not fight. As a result, you need to know how to work with cannons for remote support and sending reinforcements.
It means finding ways to infiltrate the enemy area, whether in the city or in the camp.
Clearing the enemy or enemy weapons is to occupy an area or to create an offensive (attack) or defense (defense) against the enemy.
A commando must know how to use all weapons, such as artillery, tanks, aircraft, boats, and so on.